Inspiring kids to SURVIVE and THRIVE

Changing one’s outlook affects your mental health and your ability to tackle life’s challenges.

Our mission is to inspire children to look past their present circumstances and look to the future with hope and possibility.

However, we care not only for the mental state of our beneficiaries but also look to their physical needs. In partnership with our key sponsors, we plan, raise funds and manage refurbishment, painting and the brightening up of under resourced medical, educational and child care facilities and institutions. 

Optimism is a potent health tonic! Through our talks, books, movies and hospital visits,  we inspire kids to be optimistic about their lives and their futures. Our Sailing Academy empowers kids through skills training and therapy.

Learn all about our sailing academy
Children positively impacted
0 + mil
Children impacted
1 800 000

ZAR raised for projects

0 mil
ZAR raised
5 200 000

Hospitals / Schools / Clinics upgraded


Marginalised youth completed Sailing Therapy

0 +
Sailing kids

Active Projects

Active Projects

200 days in hospital

Greg was sick, misdiagnosed, operated on, drips 24/7, & was offered no hope. He used visualisation, optimism & passion for the ocean & life to overcome the infections & survive.

Sailing 200km

In April 2016, as a middle aged, multiple cardiac surgery survivor, on the blood thinner warfarin, Greg sailed a tiny children’s Optimist dinghy over 200 km around the Cape of Storms.

The Mission

His aim was to show that small people can do HUGE things. He inspired patients, kids & people to never ever give up, & raised ZAR1.3 mil for the new ICU & to paint the Red Cross Children’s Hospital.

Help us be the change you want to see in the world today

We have a unique opportunity to help others that are less fortunate that us.

Let us work together to make a difference in the hard world we live in.

Saving children's lives

Making a difference in young children's lives, giving them hope for a future.

Learning a skill

Children are learning new skills, building their confidence and knowledge.

Encouragement from a young age

Being there for children when they feel lost and hopeless.

Our Partners

We cannot do this without our sponsors!

We are so grateful to those who have supported our journey thus far.


Help us make a difference

Optimism is a potent health tonic
Through our talksbooks and movies we inspire kids to be optimistic about their lives and their futuresOur Sailing Academy empowers kids through skills training and therapy.
In partnership with our key sponsors we fundraise to renovaterefurbish and
brighten up paediatric health careprimary care and education facilitiesWe offer them hope and we inject” them with positivity and inspiration to get better faster. 

Join our next project

Join us in or around Western Cape

Open Hours


Give Us a Call

082 454 0398