Greg Bertish, founder and Ambassador of The Little Optimist Trust was honoured to receive the DAME Charity Award at the METS Trade Show in Amsterdam last week. The Trust is joint winner with Sailing4handicaps, a charity addressing the stigma around disability and distributing prosthetics. Greg was supported by the large South African contingent attending the METS trade show including the team from Ullman Sails, Sparcraft Masts, Central Boating and SABBEX.
The funds from the METS Dame Awards will be used to create a new base for The Little Optimist Sailing Academy and all its Optimists at Zeekoei Vlei Yacht Club, so that all of our boats can be ready for sailing therapy at the drop of a hat.
During his time in Amsterdam Greg also had the opportunity to share his story with the team at Joe Public Amsterdam. They were BLOWN AWAY by his resilience and resolve to tackle the numerous challenges he has faced. He also shared the work of the Trust with management Physee, a Tech and Eco energy company, based in Delft.
Thank you to the management of METS for the warm and gracious welcome we received!